I feel like a genius. I’ve figured out how to use Apple Pay Cash to load up my Apple ID balance. Feels like getting money for free. AFAIK, the only way to do it is to first buy an Apple gift card using Apple Pay Cash. Then use the gift card to load your Apple ID balance.

Lots of people have neurological and psychiatric issues post-COVID

Our study provides evidence for substantial neurological and psychiatric morbidity in the 6 months after COVID-19 infection. Risks were greatest in, but not limited to, patients who had severe COVID-19. This information could help in service planning and identification of research priorities.

6-month neurological and psychiatric outcomes in 236 379 survivors of COVID-19: a retrospective cohort study using electronic health records - The Lancet Psychiatry

This New York Times piece about a Mughal miniature is really worth viewing. I like it best on an iPad. What a Tiny Masterpiece Reveals About Power and Beauty - The New York Times

Just submitted a nomination for a very deserving artist for New Hampshire’s Governors Arts Award in Folk Heritage. Fingers crossed that they are selected!

Peer Learning

In Trust, safety, and learning at meetings : Conferences That Work, Adrian reminds us of the importance of peer learning 🏫:

Peer learning allows anyone to be a teacher and/or a student, with these roles switching from moment to moment. Potentially, everyone has something to contribute and to learn.

He’s talking about it in the context of Conferences. I’m thinking about this in the context of the classes I teach. I’ve been experimenting with Pair Share breakouts in Zoom this term. Twice I’ve had students do Pair Shares to share their most recent homework assignments with each other. It’s worked extremely well and I’ll definitely do this again next term.

Thinking about Micro.Blog highlights and maintaining a research page

I’ve been using the new highlights interface since MB 2.0 was released. It’s by no means perfect and there are plenty of weird bugs that mean some source pages can be archived and others cannot. But when it works, it’s a delightful way to maintain a “light” research page. For example, I try to stay up to date on research into “Long COVID” because my brother suffers from this illness. At my Long Covid page, I save the stuff that I think I’ll want to look at again, or that I want easy access to so I can share the links with my brother or other family members.

β€œThe new highlights interface in Micro.blog Premium provides an easy way to go from reading and highlighting to publishing your own post.” Micro.blog News - Press Release: Micro.blog 2.0 Makes It Easier to Customize Your Blog

Long Haul COVID: Physicians review what's known

Long-haul COVID: Physicians review what’s known – ScienceDaily

“But really, any of these issues can happen to any patient who had COVID-19,” says Wan. “For example, we’ve seen young patients without prior medical illness who developed autonomic dysfunction and fast heart rates after COVID-19. It’s not just the most vulnerable who have issues after COVID.”

His goal: learning all he can about how SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, affects brain tissue, potentially leading to long-term symptoms of the virus.

What brains could teach scientists about the lasting effects of Covid-19

Long Covid Questions but few answers

What we know and don’t know about long Covid - STAT

Is there a viral reservoir? Is virus hiding in some of the organs? Maybe there is no virus, but some components of the virus, like proteins or RNA or genetic material of the virus, are lurking, and it’s causing a low-level activation of the immune system

A struggle to come up with a set of User Stories for my students to split during a breakout activity next week. 🏫 Stories needed to be challenging but not too challenging, and had to exemplify a variety of splitting techniques. My brain hurts but I think I have what I need.

Apple Keynote has been updated recently. They added a feature many people wanted: not only the ability to play a sideshow within a window, but also be able to see the Presenter view. They’ve done this by giving you two windows. I think I like it.

I’m really looking forward to the @jen4web class in HTML, delivered via email every day in April.

Link to signup

Syllabus design links

Creating a syllabus for a new course: The answer-seeking method – Raul Pacheco-Vega, PhD

Syllabus-writing as storytelling | University Affairs

Spent the AM preparing for tomorrow night’s webinar. 🏫 The students will be doing Pair-Shares where they look at each other’s recent homework. I decided to force the pairing for the first round, to pair students who I think can help each other. The second round will be random.

Currently reading: Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell πŸ“š

Finished reading: Piranesi by Susanna Clarke πŸ“šI have to say I didn’t like it much. I got tired of reading about the “Ninety-eighth Western Hall.” I felt like I was missing some sort of obvious allegory but couldn’t see it. I know many others liked this book, and of course, I loved Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

Getting ready to grade a bunch of Agile Activity Backbone assignments. 🏫 This is the first step on the path toward creating Story Maps.

First shot done! I feel very lucky. Waited 3 hours in a line of cars but totally worth it, everyone at the vaccine site was super professional and friendly.

Wrapping my head around teaching the next few webinars. 🏫 The material is so intertwined that it’s hard to get things into the right order. Grateful for Zengobi Curio - Note Taking, Mind Mapping, Brainstorming which helps me to move topics around and visualize the order.

I finally figured out that I’m using Derek Sivers’ concept of the /now page page incorrectly, but I like the way I’m using it to Work Out Loud. Today was mostly in recovery from teaching last night, and attending the PMI PMExpo.

How to debrief activities during webinars? 🏫 I’ve been pleased this year with good old Zoom chat. In the past, I would ask for volunteers to answer questions after an activity. This year, I’m asking all to respond in chat (and I am quiet for 60 seconds while they think). Better!

Finished reading: Forty Signs of Rain by Kim Stanley Robinson πŸ“š

Currently reading: Piranesi by Susanna Clarke πŸ“š

Successfully battled the NH Vaccine website into submission and now have a vaccine appointment for Thursday

Battling the NH Vaccine website. Today is the first time those of us 50+ can sign up.