I’ve been teaching an online class for the past 3 days and now that it’s over and was, I believe, successful, I am so TIRE-D, tired that is. At the same time, I am truly grateful that this teaching online allows me to be only 3 miles from home.

Oops, I messed up the date prompts for #mbnov. I’ll just say that I love the Micro.blog franchise and I don’t feel bad about my little mistake. It’s what happens when one posts late in the day east coast time and the Australia challenge has already been posted.

Finished reading: Waterlog: A Swimmers Journey Through Britain by Roger Deakin 📚A lovely book written by a happy swimmer and naturalist.

My good friend is a piano player in a style he calls “barrel house.” Wikipedia says “A ‘juke joint’, a bar or saloon. Originates from the storage of barrels of alcohol.” His playing is lively and makes us contra dancers want to move.

My German grandfather pronounced aluminum as “a-lu-min-i-um,” giraffe as “gi-raff-ee” and garage as “ga-ra-gee.” We all loved this about him even as we teased him about it. Here pictured with my also beloved grandmother.

Cecilie Behrendt 18

I’m ready to leave my office at 3:45 PM because the daylight is beginning to fade so it must be time to go home, right? I think I’ll go do an Apple Fitness+ workout and use up some more time that way before I head out.

We are doing our first live indoor concert since COVID. I’m listening to the sound check as our tech adjusts the faders in the board, except that he does it by sliding a finger on the iPad and the faders move like there’s a ghost in the room.

I have my suspicions that Saturday November 12 will be the last day with the temperature in the 60s (17 C) in New Hampshire until at least May. I could be wrong because the climate is not what it used to be.

I slept so well last night that I must display it.

To whom do I minister? My beloved husband and my cherished cat. And perhaps to the dancers at the local contra dance, now that we are restarting. Woodcut by Fran Tolman.

Finished reading: The First World War by John Keegan 📚so excellent. I was too ignorant about this war. So many millions of young men killed. France, Germany, Russia, Britain, Austria, America, all paid such a price.

I am certain that I am looking forward to the Wednesday Walk that I take with an old friend. There’s always so much to talk about when you meet every week. It’s a strange comparison to chatting with someone I only see once a year, where I find there’s not all that much to say.

Goodness, consensus is a difficult word to fit into a short micro.post and I suspect we can come to a consensus about that.

I’m so confused about what time it is!!!!! Of course, I have insight into why that is the case since we switched to Standard Time yesterday. It’s interesting how tied to the clock I am, and that I think I know what time it is. Then I check and today, I’m an hour off.

Finished reading: The Alchemy of Us by Ainissa Ramirez 📚I quite enjoyed this non-fiction book that is a history of science/engineering around specific inventions that have shaped our modern world. I think this was a recommendation from @pratik.

I’ve been having some trouble with 1Password’s one-time password generator. The problem was that my computer’s time was a bit off. I went into the Mac System Settings and asked it to resync with the Apple clock. Now, 1Password is providing correct one-time passwords.

Sometimes at night, we hear so many owls hooting that it seems that we must be hearing an echo but no, it’s really multiple owls talking to each other.

I think I’ve figured out that I can do whatever I need to do with Mastodon from here at Micro.blog. There are only a few people I want to follow from Mastodon, such as my brother. I was able to find him with his full Mastodon name through the MB discover page. Nice!

I am not exempt from the lure of a beautiful cafe drink, in this case, matcha latte.

Who has my admiration today? People of good heart and mind who choose to run for office in this big, crazy country.

I guess with all my certifications, I have a license to do project management. Good thing, because I’m teaching a free workshop for a group of local entrepreneurs later today!

We had our first contra dance in two years this past Monday. It was a feast for the senses, with music, movement, and many people I hadn’t seen in ages. We all had masks on and that felt like the right thing to do when partaking of this super spreader activity.

I had a moment this morning to think and figure out retirement, again, always a popular topic as one heads into the deeper 60s in age. Found this site FIRECalc: A different kind of retirement calculator and found it surprisingly reassuring. #mbnov

Deactivated my Twitter account. Seems like the right time to finally do it.

New data shows long Covid is keeping as many as 4 million people out of work